Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy Dent.... :)
Its one of the most creative ad I have seen till now.... Really made very well....
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Missing You... :(

Its really hard to believe that today you are not there between us...... but ...
As we all have decided... we promise u Nafu.... we wld alaways keep smiling when we think about you.... those beautiful days whn we were together.... those laughs tht we shared.... the bonding tht we had during all those happy and sad moments.... those memories wld always stay....
Love You dear.... You will always be there....
Really Missing You Nafudi.....
Monday, August 13, 2007
Chakde India.....
To attempt a film on hockey which is heavily ignored in spite of being the National sport of India.... nd to be precise women's hockey here!! And thn... to present it with conviction, courage nd realism on screen is not all tht easy.
The Yash Raj banner has teamed up with one of their favourite actors Shah Rukh Khan, not for another romantic musical hit and those stereotypical sentimental drama.....but for ths off beat moview..
Of course ther was Iqbal and partly the period piece Lagaan (which cashed in on cricket)... but thn these two dealt with cricket, which is nothing short of a national sensation.

Thn....He emerges 7 yrs later, asking for an opportunity to coach the Indian female hockey team, which in actuality is not a team but a group of scattered aimless girls, who are in the game just for the sake of it.
The girls come from all over India – Haryana, Chandigarh, Punjab, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, North East and other states.... with a baggage of class, region and interpersonal rivalries..... Ther are usual girlie fights nd arguments.. which r fun to watch. Somebody is egoistic, somebody too self-centered, somebody is hot-tempered nd etc......The small town girls hate the uber snobs; the city-slickers think Chhattisgarh is a jungle..... the seniors can't handle the juniors stealing the limelight and petty camps create a virtual gang-war which even builds into a mutiny against the disciplinarian coach.

From there on begins the fight of Kabir, the way he asks everyone tht at first place they represent their Country nd thn their respective States, how he instills team spirit, dedication nd love for the game in the girls ....nd finally transforms them into world champions.....Kabir Khan has just 3 months to coach and train these girls for the Hockey World Cup in Australia.

After a long time – perhaps since Swades – SRK gives a substantial reason to write something about his acting.... Using his facial expressions and intense eyes to his advantage, with utmost conviction SRK plays a brillant role. Undoubtedly, this one is a praiseworthy performance from the King Khan.

The movie has a number of intelligently conceived sequences. For instance.... a sequence.... whn the girl’s hockey team has to prove their mettle against the men’s team. The girls lose by a narrow margin..... but they get an applause nd salutation from male players, Also... whn the girls bash up a bunch of eve teasers and another one.... whn At Australia...World Cup Association organises a meet in the honour of the finalist teams nd all the Indian team finalists entering wearing a Saarii..representing India... all these sequences and the last portions of the second – when the crucial matches are played ... including a maaraamaarii match between India nd Korea– evoke a flood of emotions inside a viewer.
SRK isn’t the sole focus of the film. Ample footage is given to all the 16 girls. Egoistic Bindia Naik delivers a laudable performance throughout the film. An attacking forward player Preeti Sabarwal is convincing. Vidya Sharma as the goalie plays her part well.
A constant thread of humour runs through the film’s narrative. The humour is vernacular, and genuinely funny at tht. The funniest of the lot is the rustic Haryanavi girl Komal Chautala nd the hot-tempered Punjabi girl Balbir Kaur.

The hockey matches have been filmed on a grand scale in Australia and look very authentic and truly commendable.... i just loved them the way they hav picturised it.... i wld really say tht it shows a true effort from the whole team.

In short.... A must watch!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Remembring 7/11......

On July 11, 2006, a series of blasts on Mumbai's local trains rocked the city.It's been exactly a year since, and the country pays homage to the victims who lost their lives in one of the biggest strikes anywhere in the world ......
A year after the 7/11 serial blasts in Mumbai, ppl remember the horrific day tht left hundreds of ppl scarred for life. Seven blasts ripped thru the city's western railway line network. Over 200 people died and hundreds more were injured...... in just span of 10 minutes...

Imagine.... Everyone busy with their daily routine and after a day long hardwork... returning back to their homes totally unaware of the nightmare tht was abt to come.....

Within the next 10 minutes, seven blasts occurred on seven trains, all of them on different points along the western railway line.
Tht terror left a horrifying memories...

Blast at Matunga station was the worst one......

I still remember ..... was no keeping well on tht day so left office bit early nd on the way to home, i met one of my frnd nd she insisted me nd took me to her home... i left at around 6 pm from her place nd thot tht i wld get 6.25 virar train.... but somehow got stuck up in traffic nd whn i reached... wht i saw was huge mass of ppl..... everyone running.... long queues on PCO booth...some to inquire abt their family members, some to say tht not to worry, they r safe nd wld reach home soon....ppl catching auto nd buses..... some heading towards home.. some to their nearby relative's place.... i came to know from one person talking on phone tht "Borivali mein bhi blast hua....." Iasked him.... "borivali mein bhi matlab?? he said paach blast ho chuke nd ths was the sixth one....Matunga, Mahim, Bandra, Jogeshwari aur ab borivali... sab jagah par.... nd i was completely shocked.... nd after sometime i heared from someone tht .... one more blast at Bhayander-Mira road .... the condition all over was really bad....
The most horrifying was when i went ahead on the station.... wht i can see was thousands of ppl .... wht was the condition on the platform was not at all seen..... ppl had surrounded from everywhere.... wht i can see was groups of ppl coming out one by one carrying injured.... nd dead bodies.... taking thm to the nearby hospitals. Thanks to all autowalas nd buses... tht they helped like nythng....
I tried calling my dad nd sister but all the networks were blocked ... cldnt reach them.... nd my mom was so worried...she was continuously trying my no... somehow reached me... nd i jst cldnt stop my tears... the only thing i cld speak was.... i m safe.
Everyone helping out each other.... ppl who were stranded.... auto nd buses provided their best services helping ppl to reach their home... taking injured to the hospitals.... Whole night S.V. road nd highways were jam packed with vehicles, trucks, tempos, buses nd all carrying ppl back to their home.... many residents were distributing biscuit packets, vada paavs, water bottels to the ppl who were going back to their home which were at distant places as due to traffic many ppl reached home on the next day.
Hospitals were flooded with injured nd dead bodies.... doctors, nurses were on their toes attending everyone... it was heartening tht the local patients who were already admitted there.... they too started helping ..... cleaning nd dressing up wounds, etc..... blood banks were providing their service by reaching every hospitals they cld.... nd teh story goes on..... ppl strongly united nd did their best to help out each other.
Today.... v look back at the day of terror tht has left a trail of painful memories. I still remember the stories tht news channel nd newspapers wld say abt the injured nd dead persons..... majority of them were young middle class guys.... some just married.... some college students, some who had small kids.... some who lost their hands, some who got crutches forever...some who lost their hearing sense.... some who were comatised... some who lost their father .... some who lost their only son.... nd so on...
I remember ... i was not able to sleep for so many nights......

Today.... after a year..... still those horrifying memories doesnt go from our minds..... still some ppl r struggling to survive.... some ppl r still in coma, some all well but handicap....
Mumbai is running back at the same pace.... but with a fear of terror which can strike nywhere.... at anytime.....
I pray for all those who lost their lives in these blasts .... may their soul rest in peace...
Friday, July 06, 2007
N7W......Vote Now....
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Geometrical Constructions.....Seems Interesting
Hmmm…. Life has become quiet busy these days with audit work nd now also with tutions... yaa..... Have started giving Math tutions from 9.30 pm to 10.30 pm, to one of my neighbour who is now in Xth Standard. Have started with Geometry..... I used to find Geometry too boring.
Give any type of problems or sums for from Algebra, and we used to quickly solve all of them….Linear equations, Quadratic quations, LCM, Algebraic expressions, logarithms, probability etc. etc..... v used to love solving tht. We had Dervatives nd Limits in college syllabus.. tht too were too good..
But…. Geometry and its Theorems…. ??? We used to run away from tht…. Trignometry was the only chapter which used to be my favourite ..... (no doubt had always got good scores in it) But, Now…. Whn I again came across it after so many years…. I find it more interesting. Constructing Circles, Incircles, and its Tangents, Arcs, ….. using centre, without using centre, the Tangent – Secant Property, Isosceles Triangle Theorem, 30-60-90 and so on....
My student is njoying it v.much (aakhir teacher kaun hai.... hehehe).... nd me too.... :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Welcome Rain......
Nice Ad of Reliance and good timing too....
Our Mumbai city has just started receiving the Monsoon showers... after a long 4 months scorching heat of summer....
So..... jst enjoying dark clouds with its beautiful lightening and its colourful showers..... :)
I stillremember... whn i was in IX std. we had one very nice chapter in Marathi Subject called Doan Megh (Two Clouds). Will jst narrate the story in brief ....
Once ..... A White cloud was walking upwards hurriedly in the direction of Heaven as he came to know from someone that there is only one place left in Heaven and the one who reaches first would get that. So, he was so happy and started walking hurriedly towards it with a hope that, he would get that only place.
At the same time, there was one black cloud filled with who was hurriedly walking towards the Earth. And they both came across each other. As White cloud was in a hurry he didn’t saw the black cloud. But black cloud stopped as asked Whoite cloud tht.. Friend where are u going in such a hurry..? White cloud with some frustration turned to see who is it….. nd he saw the it was a black cloud…. But was amazed to see tht, though black but it was looking very beautiful with its bright lightening in it.
But, still he said with attitude that, I am going to the Heaven as there is only one place left there and I am sure I wld be getting it. Balck cloud smiled and greeted him for his journey. Now, White cloud asked him tht where r u going..? Black cloud politely said that I am going towards the Earth some of its places have really got heated due to the strong heat of the Sun… People need me there… so jst going to make them bit calm…. Nd White cloud started laughing at him saying tht wht calmness u could give with this small amount of water… and walked ahead.
And finally, White cloud reached to the door of Heaven and was about to get in while the guards stopped him to move ahead. He questioned that y u all are not allowing me to get in… guards said that therz no place left inside so jst go back. The cloud was surprised and asked that if I m not wrong there was once place left …. And I m the only one who reached here.. there was no one following me … and no one ahead me…. So how ths place is full… who got tht?
Guard said tht jst now it got full.. one black cloud got tht place. White cloud was surprised and said that he was behind me while he was going to the opposite side, then how did he got this place. Guard explained that he sacrificed his life for the well being of the people and so he deserved that seat And White cloud walked away …
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Humanity v/s Helplessness
I got down from the bridge on Platform No. 4 where Virar train comes... and was going ahead where Ladies compartment comes... nd i heard one small kid crying badly... whn saw around... one small boy, around 10 yrs old, with no clothes on his body except one halfpant - sitting on platform was holding tht kid on his lap.... the kid was jst wrapped in one thin, small nd dirty cloth... nd it was really crying badly.... i asked him, "wherz ur mummy".... but he didnt answered.... i asked him again, thn he jst pointed his hand in some direction... so i thot she mst be somewher here and as i saw the train coming .. i ran towards ladies compartment nd got in.
As it was afternoon time so ther was hardly 10-12 ladies in the whole compartment. I got window seat so was jst njoying breeze.
Again i heard one kid's voice crying... didnt paid ny heed as thot tht it might be of some passenger's kid's voice... but i saw one lady, watching someone sitting on the door nd gossiping abt it with her frnd.... so was curious to see.. abt whom she is talking. So.. got up nd went to the door... nd I was shocked.... the same boy was sitting beside the door with tht kid in his hand.... nd the more the kid was crying... he started hitting tht kid. I jst lost my temper... nd yelled at him.... "arree kya kar raha hai.... itne chote se bacchhe ko kyu maar raha hai..." but he didnt answered.
And then... some one or two ladies came running to see wht was going on... kya hua.. kya hua... nd i told tht .. ths kid is crying so much.. nd ths boy is hitting him ... One lady moved tht cloth nd said tht ... aree yeh toh ladkii hai... nd we were shocked to see... tht kid was jst of 10-15 days.. newly born kid... everyone was shocked.. such a small kid... wher ths boy must have taken her.. or wher is he going....
It was crying so badly tht her whole body had become red... i had some water so poured some drops of water in her mouth... nd she stopped crying. I asked him to come nd sit inside... holding such a small kid near the door.... dont u hav sense.... nd he came in... I again asked him ... wherz ur mom.... nd y u were sitting on the platform... but he didnt answered nythng. All the ladies came nd asked wht happened.... nd i told them tht he was sitting on the platform with ths kid.. nd now not answering wher his mom is.
Now... some said ... he must have taken her for begging... as looking to the kid.. ppl tend to giv some money... while some of them started saying tht sach bata.... "Chorii karke to nahii laaya haii naa isko".... nd no doubt nyone can get tht feeling... as he was not saying nythng. After asking him so many times... we said tht we would take u to police if u dont say nythng... nd tears rolled down his eyes nd said ... "chorii karke nahii laayaa"... thank God.. he said somethng... thn we asked... so.. wherz ur mom? he said Miraroad.... i m going ther only. We asked... Miraroad mein hai.. thn wht were u doing at Andheri station? He didnt said nyhtng... again everyone started saying tell the truth or v wld take u to police...
In the meanwhile, ths kid again started crying ... we all knew tht she was too hungry.. was worried wht to do now.... One lady who was sitting beside me said... shall I feed her??.... And I was like..... shocked.. she said I too hav one 3 months kid... I cant see her crying like ths.... nd I said... dont tell me nythng.. jst go ahead... she took her on her lap nd fed her.... nd the kid was so hungry.... tears rolled down from both of our eyes... she said... wht to do.. I cant see her crying like ths... v dont even know since whn she is hungry..... U can feel presence of God everywher... isnt it?
Everyone was trying to ask him.... as u nevr knw..... ther r so many bad instances tht r going on these days... nd on top of ths... tht kid was a girl.... so everyone was so worried .. wht the matter cld be... Initially, we asked him polietly.... but whn he was not ready to say ntyhtng.. v said tht v all r getting down at Miraroad nd wld take u to the police.... thn he said tht My mom died some yrs back... nd my father got married to someone else.... so we asked her.. thn whose kid is ths? so he said tht ... ths is my aunt's (mom's sister) kid.... v asked him tht wher is she... so he said tht she is at miraroad.. nd i m going ther only. We asked him if she has some other kids also.. so he said yes.. she has one more kid of around 2 yrs.... We were all shocked... wht kind of heart does ths lady has... she dont even bother giving her 10 days kid in the hands of ths boy who himself is of 10 yrs... wht if he wld hav lost her somewher? wht if he wld not have handled her properly..... nd v all decided to get down at miraroad... nd search for her. Everyone was so angry.
Tht lady who fed her ... wrapped tht kid neatly with the cloth... nd tied a handkerchief on her head.... Station came... nd we got down... We were searching for some police... but as we walked ahead on the platform.. we saw tht one lady was sitting there with one kid.... as she saw us... she came running ... tht boy said tht yes she is my aunty.... nd everyone was so angry on her.... they yelled nd said... tht how can u send such a small kid for all these things.... dont u feel nythng.... we warned her tht if ths boy is seen again with ths kid.. we wld take u directly to the police.. mind tht... nd everyone returned back to their home.
That day... I learnt one lesson.... tht v shld never encourage beggers.. I always used to giv some money to them... but once... one of my frnd saw ths.. nd said tht y do u encourage them.. do u knw wht do they do of ths money... from tht day.. i used to giv them some biscuits or some chapattis.... but not money. Today whn i saw ths boy... i really felt like thanking my frnd. Was somehow feeling very bad tht... poverty nd want of money has made these ppl so helpless tht they dont even bother sending 10 days kid with tht small boy with a hope tht looking at such a small kid ... ppl wld surely give some money...
Was not able to sleep properly tht night.. all these questions kept on coming al the time... Had a fear tht wht if tomorrow again ths lady wld send her kid with ths boy for the same thng.. then???
Sometimes dont understand wht all God have planned for his holy play......???
Monday, May 14, 2007
Life in A..... Metro
Neha chases Rahul. Shikha chases Akash. Debu chases Shruti.
7. The film belongs to each nd every character in the film but.... if someone stands out.... it is "Irrfan Khan". Shilpa looks extremely gorgeous even in daily wear..... while Konkana proves yet again tht she deserves to be utilized more for her immense acting abilities.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
20 yrs and counting....

Today.... India’s sole aircraft carrier ‘INS Viraat’..... a 28,700-tonne and 226.5-metres long vessel.... completes 20 yrs with the Indian Navy. It holds a special place for Mumbaikars as it is mostly based in the city.
As per the source... India purchased ths vessel in April, 1986 and the floating airport, called ‘HMS Hermes’ by the Royal Navy, was commissioned into the Indian Navy on May 12, 1887 at Devenport near Plymouth in the UK. The mighty vessel..... which proved its mettle during the Falklands War in May 1982, was named as “Viraat’’ (giant) by the wife of the former Indian high commissioner to the UK, Aakama Alexander.
Also, Captain Vinod Pasricha, the first officer who commandeered the warship between May, 1987 - December, 1988... said tht.... whn the Royal Navy handed over ths warship to them for a pittance amnt of Rs 400 crore, the British officers appeared convinced that its life span wld not extend beyond 10 yrs i.e. till 1997. They even expressed doubts whether the Indian Navy wld be able to manage the aircraft carrier.
Pasricha, now retired and settled in Pune, said... "They (Royal Navy) have been proved wrong because she (‘INS Viraat’) has operated for 20 yrs and I am confident that she can remain in service for another 10 yrs or so. And the Royal Navy is extremely happy at the way we have looked after it. It has undoubtedly exceeded their expectations.’’
The present captain of the naval giant, Girish Luthra, said tht the warship was tentatively slated to remain operational till about 2015. It is expected to undergo a routine refit programme next year which will further increase its life span.
On August 17, 1987, ‘INS Viraat’ arrived off Mumbai and was taken for customs clearance to Goa. And on August 21, 1987, she was accorded a red-carpet welcome off the Gateway of India.
Pasricha Also said tht like INS Vikrant, Viraat too cld be turned into a naval museum once it is phased out in about 10 years.
The navy will hold blood donation drive and feed the poor to mark the 20th anniversary of INS Viraat....

- Built by Vickers-Armstrong in the UK
- Launched as ‘HMS Hermes’ on February 16, 1953, by Clementine Churchill, wife of former British PM Winston Churchill
- The warship entered service with the Royal Navy on November 18, 1959. She saw glory during the May 1982 Falklands War
- She served with the Royal Navy till April 12, 1984 and was sold to the Indian Navy in April 1986
- Between July 1999 and April 2001, she underwent a major life extension refit. This resulted in upgrading her propulsion system, an addition of a new package of sensors, the introduction of a modern communication system, a new long-range surveillance radar, weapons systems and also a new hangar
- The aircraft carrier’s lift system was revamped to reduce the reaction time in the event of air attack.
- A new flood alarm system was also installed
- It has been equipped with a 12’’ ski jump to operate the Sea Harriers
- In 2003 she underwent another major upgrading and came back to service in November 2004. During this period she became the first warship of the Indian Navy to be equipped with the Israeli Barak anti-missile system. The warship’s magazine capacity includes about 80 lightweight torpedoes. It also has the capacity to transport commandos for around 750 troops
- She is equipped with an air search, air/surface search, navigation and fire control radars. She has a hull mounted sonar with a search and attack capability
- She has a hi-tech combat information and a satellite communication system
- She has the capacity to carry 30 Sea Harriers. She also carriers the Kamov airborne early warning helicopters
- Carries the Sea King commando assault and vertical replenishment helicopters. Hindustan Aeronautical Limited’s Chetak and Dhruv helicopters also form a part of the warship’s air group
- The maximum speed is 28 knots and it has a maximum range of 6500 miles at 14 knots

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Up Up and Up.....
Read Here
The rupee has gained more than 8% ths year, with most of the gains coming in the last 2 months.... boosted by capital inflows into the fast-growing economy.
Foreign funds hav bought more than $2.9 billion worth of stocks so far in 2007. And... the central bank bought $19.7 billion in the 4 months to end-February in a bid to stem the rupee's rise..... ths lead to infusion of rupee, which increades liquidity and ultimately lead to rise in inflation.
One of the prime domestic reasons for the sharp appreciation in the domestic currency is the tight liquidity in the money market. The shock therapy applied by the RBI to cool down inflation has choked liquidity further.
RBI increased the cash reserve ratio (CRR) by 50 basis points (bps) [100 bps make 1%] to 6.50%.... nd repo rates by 25 bps to 7.75% to control inflation [CRR is the proportion of deposits that commercial banks need to keep with RBI as cash...... nd the repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow from RBI for the short term]. Now... these measures absorbed Rs 15000 crore from the banking system.
Also.. the main cause for rupee's appreciation is Excess dollars chasing the economic boom in India.
Try to offer to exchange US dollars for Indian rupee... a person who is aware of market trends... wld probably decline the offer..... Re has lot of importance in the forex martkets. It has appreciated to an 9 yr. high against the $.
Improving economic fundamentals.... nd stronger growth prospects hav led to a global interest in the Indian economy. Foreign money is pouring in... to ride the economic boom nd take advantage of the rising interest rates.... stock nd real estate prices.
Can u imagine.... the net FII inflow (debt and equity) since Jan, 2006 was close to $10 billion. NRIs also remitted home a considerable amount of dollars. The higher intt. rates in the domestic mrkt..... compelled companies to borrow in dollars in foreign mrkts (u can say external commercial borrowings) to fund their expansions plans...... Naturally, when the supply of dollars exceeded the demand, the rupee soared...
FIIs usually get money in India in dollars to invest in stocks and other assets. A stronger re will mean tht..... they get a lower amount to invest. A rising re will add to the dollar returns of FIIs that don't hedge the currency risk. In order to prevent a rapid appreciation of the rupe, the RBI buys dollars from banks and sells rupees, which enhances the liquidity in the banking system.
If ths liquidity is not sterilised (absorbed).... out of the banking system by the RBI..... interest rates are likely to fall. These excess dollars usually find their way to the country's foreign exch. reserves. The RBI and the government incur costs on account of the sterilisation measures and maintenance of reserves.
Higher reserves can be helpful in the event of an external financial crisis, like the foreign exch. crisis in India in 1991.
The long-term intrinsic value of a currency is a function of various other factors, such as int. rate differentials.... trade equations..... and so on. It shlld always be kept in mind tht.... the rupee has appreciated primarily on account of the excess dollars chasing the economic boom in India.
And yes.... Any reversal of such flows.... due to a change in the global perception of India cld put the rupee under pressure.
Now, The RBI is facing a dilemma whether to control inflation..... or.... manage the re to maintain the country’s export competitiveness. If the central bank decides to maintain the rupe weak.... it wld end up generating more liquidity in the domestic mrkt.... which wld fuel inflation. With inflation ruling at above 6% compared with a comfortable 5% to 5.5% level envisaged by the central bank..... controlling inflation seems to be the priority.... :)
Whew.... dont knw wht concrete steps shld be taken at ths point of time... It again like... ????? :) :)
I hope i hav clarified some imp. points.... ok thn... feeling too hungry... see u later.. :)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

do pal miiltey haii....
saath saath chalte haii.....
do pal miiltey haii....
saath saath chalte haii.....
jab modd aaye toh.. bachke nikalte hai....
kitney ajeeb rishtey hain yahan pe...
Rishte bharose chaahat yakiin....
unnn sab ka daaman abb chaak haii....
samajhe thhe haathon mein hai jameen...
muthhi jo kholi bass khaak haii.....
dil mein yeh shor hai kyun....?
imaan kamjor hai kyun...??
naazuk yeh dor hai kyun....???
Yeh Housla Kaise Juke,
Yeh Aarzoo Kaise Ruke...
Manzil Muskiil toh kya,
Bundla Sahil toh kya,
Tanha Ye Dil toh Kya....
Raah Pe Kante Bikhre agar,
Uspe to phir bhii chalna hii haii,
Shaam Chhupale Suraj magar,
Raat ko ek diin Dhalana hii haii,
Rut ye tal jaayegii,
Himmat rang laayegii,
Subhah phiir aayegii....
Yeh Housla Kaise Juke,
Yeh Aarzoo Kaise Ruke...
Hogii hame to rehmatt ada,
Dhup kategi saaye tale,
Apni khuda se hai ye Dua,
Manzil lagale humko gale
Zurrat so baar rahe,
Uncha Ikraar rahe,
Zinda har pyar rahe....
Yeh Housla Kaise Juke,
Yeh Aarzoo Kaise Ruke...
Nothing to worry.... jst felt like putting these lines on my bloggie.. :)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Good one....
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Daag Acche Hai....
“Agar kuch achcha karne mein daag lag jaate hain toh... daag achche hain na?" :)
And herz the older one.. I jst love it.. its cho chweet.. isnt it? Njoi :)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Golden Flower Shower
Yellow Peltophorum Tree - A spl. summer season tree
Hmm... Lets take a closer look....
Yellow & Yellow reflection :) Again.. lots of them
Wow... Golden carpet of yellow flowers... beautiful!!!
Yesterday .. after leaving office in the evening ... was walking down towards station... and wht i saw was these beautiful golden trees on both sides of the road.. showering those gloden flowers all over the road .. i was really feeling like i m walking on the yellow carpet of flowers... :)
Dont knw.. but it was such a wonderful feeling... i mean jst imagine tht.. u walking down on the road full of flowers.... nd while walking.. still those sweet trees.. showering more such flowers on u... It was amazing ya.. :)
These are spl. summer trees... they mainly bloom in ths season... nd makes wonderful yellow carpet by showering lots of flowers on the road... ths carpet stays for weeks...
Ok thn.. Have a nice time... nd njoi summer.. :)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Can anyone say.. whoz more beautiful..???

Phoolan ke mehel biraajat douu... mandd sugandh.. nikat vahe saritaa.
Baat kahat rass rangg uuchhaliitaa.. baat kahat rass rang uuchaliitta.
Mukhh milaay hass dekhat darpan mein...
sundar shramit uur maal vigaliitaa.
Parmanand prabhuu prem vivashh bhaye...
Kahii hum mein.. sundar ko hai lalitaa...???
Baat kahat rass rangg uuchhaliitaa.. baat kahat rass rang uuchaliitta.
Hmm... As Summer has come adn temperature is really rising high... so ths is one of the beautiful kirtan which is sung these days at temple nd at our home as well.
It says tht... one sunny day... Krishna nd radha and all their frnds (sakhaas nd sakhiis) were having a good time at palace made of different variety of flowers.. it was so beautiful place wher so many flowers had made tht place so beautiful by spreading ther sweet frangrance all over.. nd on other side.. river was making sweet voice by flowing gently.
And Krishna nd Radha both were admiring each other's beauty and shringaar by looking into a mirror. And then they call one of their favourite sakhii 'Lalitaa' and ask her tht ... say lalitaa... whoz more beautiful from both of us...???
And u knw wht... as story says... tht whn they ask laliita.. Krishna feels tht she shld say Radha's name while Radhajii feels tht Laliitaaji shld say Krishna's name... hmm... wht a sweet nd lovely feeling.. isnt it?
Good one naa... me too humming it all day ... i jst love it :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Unique Insight
Just take some time off to see this clip named 'Hostel' a public service film created by 4 mumbaikars which left some strong impressions on the minds of people for which no. of ppl came forward to pledge their eyes.
The clip starting with a group of hostel children splashing colours on the occasion of Holi. U feel so nice.... childrens spraying colours on each other nd running around.... dirtying the corridors.
But.. to one's surpirse... the clip ends with the hostel warden wiping the colours off their white canes. And ... slowly... the colours r washed away nd u can see the board of ‘Smt Kamla Mehta Dadar School for the Blind’.
The last scene of a child asking the warden.... wht the colour green looks like?... It really made me cry.
Yes... the movie conveys one motivating msg tht 67 ppl, including the creators of the film.... hav agreed to donate their eyes after seeing this film.
These ppl came up with ths innovative idea nd posted it on youtube.. And u knw wht... within the first week itself, they had 7,000 hits.... with many ppl approaching the Eye Bank Association of India (EBAI) with pledges flooded with no. of calls and emails.
One can fill an online form pledging their eyes or they can alternatively call the eye bank helpline 1919 for details.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Wanna go for a ride.....?
English-speaking, women dressed in a purple-pink salwar kameez will drive women.
It will work entirely on a booking system and the cab has to be booked either for half a day or an entire day.
Ths cool cab wld also provide big mirrors, a make-up kit with nail polish remover and a magazine rack.
The woman driver would be well-versed with the city roads as well as shopping malls and complexes.
Read Article Here
Will it work???
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hope u guys had a wonderful Valentines day nd a colourful Holi :)
Hmmm.... so m back after a long break.
As my template says.... therz so much to tell... so much of talks to share with u all...
Here r some highlights. It all started with my 10 days trip to Gujarat to attend my cousin’s wedding at Porbandar. So first we (I and Mom) went to Jaamnagar to my Dad’s aunt’s place (2 days stay) missed going to Dwarka coz of shortage of time :( And then reached Porbandar, attended the wedding and also went to some good places over ther like Gandhiji’s House (Kirti Mandir) with 22 rooms, library, paathshala for kids, etc. beautifully maintained, Kasturba’s House (quite near from Gandhiji’s place), Sudamaapurii, Temple dedicated to Lord Krishna’s friend Sudaamaa, Harii Mandir (beautiful temple), etc and thn came to Rajkot (stayed at one more relative’s place) and came back to Mumbai.

Gandhiji & Kasturba's House
After 10 days break, got completely occupied with work at office, so much of wrk load, was working on Saturday as wel…:(
Aha… in between came Valentine’s day… sad part is I was on audit tht day… so cldnt even meet my frnds… :( Hope u all had a wonderful V Day :) During ths busy week…. came one more festival called Holi – Festival of colours… hope u all had a colourful holi with lots of Abiir, gulaal, sprinklers nd aha most tasty Thandaai. As it is said that, ths is the festival which shows devotion of Bhakt (Prahlad) to Vishnu and the eternal friendship of Krishna nd gopis. We enjoy singing kirtans wher v all play pranks on Krishna like Aaj bhorr hii...nand poor hii... vrajnaariin dhoom machaaii, Kaajarvaarii gorii gwaarii.. yaa saawaliaa kii lagwaarii, Saachii kaho mannmohan moso.. toh kheluu tumm sang horii and "Harii Kaaro rii harii kaaro.. ye toh do baapan beechvaaro rii… harii kaaro rii harii kaaro"…ths is one of the best kirtan… Nd many such other kirtans which shows eternal friendship with Lord Krishna.. :) Missed all these this time.
Thn month end came nd we all had once again a much awaited Budget withI-T exemption raised by Rs 10,000 and BCTT (Banking cash transaction tax) to kick in at Rs. 50,000 instead of Rs 25,000, Education cess raised from 2% to 3%.
Ceiling on deduction allowed for medical insurance premium raised to Rs 15,000; Rs.20,000 for senior citizens.
Dividend distribution tax (DDT) on companies raised from a basic rate of 12.5% to 15%; on money market MFs and liquid MFs, DDT hiked to 25%.
Peak customs duty on non-agricultural products brought down from 12.5% to 10%.
I-T surcharge removed on SMEs with taxable income of less than Rs 1 cr nd Service tax exemption limit on small service providers doubled to Rs 8 lakh.
Major shot was for IT firms will now have to pay min alternative tax (MAT) and Employee stock options (ESOPs) brought under FBT net.
Overall… Pay Tax, Tax nd more Tax.... not so good review for the budget as usual.
In the meanwhile… my Grandmom was not keeping well…got infection in lungs due to which she was unable to breathe…. and was hospitalized. Her condition worsened day by day… all 10 days on oxygen and saline…. we were all trying hard to make her all well… everyone of us having sleepless nights…. But as its all in God’s hands… the day came… it was sat… nd it was jst a normal day… she was feeling good, talked to everyone who all came to visit her… even promised mom tht now she wld start walking on her own once she reach home… her was shining… night passed safely… but…. Sunday early morning she got high temperature…. Nd her pulse rate started decreasing… she asked me to call everyone… nd I was scared… called up everyone. By 7.30 everyone was beside her…. Nd slowly slowly she closed her eyes nd left us forever…. all standing with tears in our eyes… speechless… helpless.
No doubt ur blessings wld always be ther with us but will always miss ur care and affection and above all ur presence. Missing u daadii.
Ok thn.. m signing off now… Hey.. Belated Happy Women's Day to all beautiful ladies :) and now waiting for World cup… ICC Champion’s Trophy ….
Wishing Good luck and All the very best to Our Team India… Just do it :)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Me too had a gr8 sunday :)
Hmmm... it was Mumbai Marathon 2007 on sunday. Was down with some cold nd lil fever on saturday... but was quiet excited for sunday. It was truly a funfilled day. As v had to reach by 8.15 am for the Dream Run.. so had to start around 6.00 am as it takes around 1 hr 45 mins to reach CST from my place by train. Everyone was gathered at Azad Maidan. V cld see some ppl warming up, ther was separate holding area for Senior citizens nd for the corporates. All sponsors like Standard Chartered, DHL, Kingfisher, Titan having their own sepaqrate holding area.. nd yes how can I 4get 98.3 Radio Mirchi.. It was a real attraction having its own stage in one corner of ground with their RJs entertaining everyone with foot tapping numbers.
Dream run was gonna start at 9.10 am. Though it started at around 9.30 am. A big crowd moving ahead from Azad maidan towards the start point which was opp. CST station going towards Metro nd from ther to Hilton Towers nd thn turning towards beautiful Nariman point nd from ther moving ahead to the flyover nd thn coming back.... It took 45 mins for me to complete 6 kms... On both sides of the street.. no. of ppl were standing to cheer up the runners nd the sponsor Standard Chartered.. had set up their blocks with their volunteers, 98.3 Radio city had placed their speakers at every distance on the streets ... playing good numbers cheering runners nd Kingfisher had placed their stalls providing free water bottles nd energy drink to all the runners.
It was truly a beautiful scene.... thousands of participants professionals, athletes, young boys nd girls, some school children, senior citizens, physically challenged, celebrities, some with different types of costumes, some having their own group like dabbawalas, etc were seen enjoying the run.
Industrialist Anil Ambani ran Half Marathon. While some celebrities like Nagesh Kukunoor, Rahul Bose, Tara Sharma, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, industrialist Anand Mahindra, Shobha De, Vinod Kambli were also seen njoying Dream Run.
Teams from the Mumbai Police, Western Railways, Indian Navy and many corporate houses also took part in the event.
Campaigns for anti-smoking, support for visually challenged, welfare of tribals, blood donation were also highlighted by the participants.
For the fourth time, runners from the African continent stole the show at the Mumbai Marathon with Kenya's John Kelai finishing the line in 2:12:28 hrs to emerge as a winner.
It was whole lot of fun.. Some running for fun some for the cause... but... it was one slogan everyone can hear was Run Mumbai Run.... :)
All in all... njoyed the event v.much.... but was mising some of my frnds.. :(
Ths was all about Sunday... talking about tommorrow... its a Vasant Panchami... which indicates starting of Vasant Ritu.. (Spring season).... I dont knw much abt the significance but from ths day... kirtans in vasant raag r sung to welcome the festival of Holi called Vadhaaii.... also v start sprinkling some gulaal on our Baalkrishna from today ...... :)
Its said tht from ths day all gopiis nd all His sakhaas starts playing with thodaa thodaa colours... :)
Hmm... so one month for the festival of colours to come... :)
And.. yes KBC has started with its new Host nd with different ishtyle... donno but didnt liked it much.. lets see how wel it goes.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Happy B'day to me.. :)

Its my Happy wala B'day today... :)
Receiving showers of blessings, calls nd messages with loads nd loads of wishes..
Waiting for some more to come... :)
U feel so nice.. whn everyone sends u so many wishes...
Its all abt a kind of feeling tht one has for u... gifts, treats doesnt matter.. wht matters is a word of care, wish, blessing, a kind of bond tht binds us...
Hmm... m getting lil senti... :)
V get off for B'days nd anniversaries... but had to come to office coz of lots of wrk... :(
So.. will have to take comp off on some other day..
For now.. njoying in the office :)
No special plans.. but meeting some frnds in teh evening nd thn as my dad, sis nd bro going to some wedding.. so wil go out with mom for the dinner... :)
Ok thn.. m signing off here.. wanted to write much much more... but dont hav tht much time :(
Nyways... Have a nice day :)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Dheel De Dheel De De Re Bhaiyaa.... :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Nagesh Kukunoor's Dor... Very Well Strung

Nagesh Kukunoor has given us some best movies like Hyderabad Blues, Rockford, Teen Deewarein, Iqbal and now his latest Dor.... a story of two women - one who undertakes a long journey to save her love and the other who breaks all the traditional customs and lives the life the way she feels.
Dor is a beautiful tale of love, loss, friendship, and courage to live life anew. The film is quite realistic. And this is the reason why its story is so believable and deeply touching.
The ppl who all r quite fond of big budget film with lot of melo drama nd all... may not be tht enthu and excited to watch relatively low budget with stars such as Ayesha Takia, Gul panag & Shreyas Talpade in the lead roles. But.. I tell u... such ppl wld really miss one of the brilliant performances given by these stars.
Dor is a story of two women, Zeenat (Gul Panag) and Meera (Ayesha Takia) ... both living in different parts of India. Their fate is invariably strung together by one incident tht changes both their lives forever.
In the hills of Himachal Pradesh, Zeenat marries her lover Aamir just a day before he leaves for to take up a job in Saudi Arabia.And there.. In a Rajasthan village, the happily married Meera spends some few cherished moments with her husband Shankar.... before he too leaves for Saudi Arabia to earn some money.
The two men, who are now roommates, send money home to take care of their families. Shankar's father, a proud Rajput now fallen on bad times, uses the income to fix his haveli. Aamir's family gets some respite from the hard work of running the local bakery.... Meera and Zeenat miss their husbands nd get 2 talk 2 thm occasionally on the phone.
Meera, on the other hand... is domesticated into the strict traditions of a Rajput Gharana.The worlds of the two women collapse.... whn Shankar is killed in Saudi Arabia, and Aamir, his roommate, is accused of the murder. Even though there is a reason to believe it was an accident, Aamir is slated to get a death penalty.
Now, To save her husband’s life, armed only with a photograph of Aamir and Shankar taken in their Saudi apartment... Zeenat undertakes an impossible journey to Rajasthan to find Meera.
Her first stop is Jaipur.. on her way... she meets a Behroopiya (Shreyas Talpade) a member of a group that traditionally earn their living by taking different guises in order to entertain ppl. Behroopiya first dupes Zeenat also, but later helps her find Meera whn he realisez tht she is here for some mission. Using his knowledge of the terrain and some clues tht Zeenat does not yet realize she possesses, the two of them piece together bits of information that eventually lead them to Meera's village.
Zeenat, confident that the papers will be signed, goes to Meera's home... but she is thrown out by Shankar's family. Zeenat waits for Meera at the temple, intending to plead with her. When the two women meet, Zeenat realizes that Meera doesn't know of the visit to Shankar's home and decides to hold off on telling Meera the truth till a suitable moment in the future.
The truth comes out into the open and the two women have a confrontation.... Meera feels betrayed nd Zeenat helpless....
How is the situation resolved?
Ok Ok... i wont reveal the suspense. :))
Ayesha Takia has given the best performance of her acting career so far in Dor.... She is looking simple nd beautiful without makeup.... In the first half, she is quiet... susheel housewife with dreamy eyes nd having many desires.... While ... In the second half... she becomes a woman who learns to defy the cruel tradition... who learns to listen to her heart nd live the way she wants to.... And Ayesha carries all these emotions with the skill of a polished actress....
Gul Panag stands in equal stead.... even though her character is shown mentally and emotionally strong but she has played her character very brialliantly.
Aha.... Shreyas Talpade is a complete delight to watch.... His comic imitations of the actors from Hindi film industry.... nd the quick changes in his appearances provide a welcome humorous relief in an otherwise serious movie.... He is truly a very good actor... I liked his performance v.much.
To sum it up... Dor is a film tht definitely ought to be seen once.... The movie’s theme is most relevant and the way it has been brought forth... without any melodrama and overblown emotions... is wht makes the movie truly compelling. The background score (Padharo Maare Des) is just too good..... nd the song Yeh Hoslaa Kaise Ruke... is quiet inspiring. The direction and acting performances are almost flawless. Everyone has given their best.
On the whole... A V. Good Movie... :)