Source: Here
Two years passed.... With Silence and tears, TodayIt is the 2nd anniversary of the devastating Tsunami waves that crashed into coastlines killing more than 2 lakh people n leaving millions of people homeless.
Indonesia, Srilanka, somalia, thailand, maldives being destroyed badly....
Dont know wht all steps hav been taken till now.. but... as per the sources.. scientists are trying to meet the Sept, 2007 deadline of putting warning system for the killer waves.
Some tide guages hav been installed in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean tht wld be able to monitor the tidal activity round-the-clock.
Some more such gauges will be installed along the Indian coastline.... to alert the residents of the coastal regions of an impending tsunami.... and so on...
Hope Government.... helps those who lost their family and their houses ..... Hope the fund raised for the victims n for the reconstruction projects are utilised in a proper way... n for the very purpose.
Life Goes on....
Life has a strange way of finding its own rhythm. As per the news.... the houses have been rebuilt, people are busy with their daily activities.... but..... ppl who are still staying ther feels tht...... somewhere, something is missing. The vacuum created by the tsunami simply refuses to go away...... but still... v all know... tht... Life Goes on.....
Lets pray for those who lost their lives and for them who lost their family members and dear ones. Lets pray for the survivors. Hope they r safe and happy wherever they are.
Ohh yes the most imp thing...the funds collected should be used for the proper cause...Really don't know how much that has happened in 2 yrs...But since the last 3-4 days, everyday the newspaper carries an article about how the tsunami victims havint recd what was promised to them by the Govt..be in a house or a job....
Life Goes On....Once again Urvi...nice post :)
Yea, this tragedy should never be forgotten as it is the biggest natural disaster of our generation. Maybe nature can only take this much and we can't really blame it but it has left a lasting effect on the survivors. Most people had livelihood in those waters that eventually engulfed them. So is life...
May everyone who couldn't make it Rest In Peace and hoping that this is the last of such tragedies.
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