When v r young.... v have an ideal to follow,
v always follow the paths laid by great souls,
and inspired by their achievements.... v start moving with our dreams.... and our goals.... to reach the skies.... with a focus on our destination....
But... as time passes... and as v move towards the heights... surprisingly... v realise tht... the path.... which we are following.... r becoming our limitations..... so.... v ourself start moving ahead with a faith and a confidence..... and make a new path.... leaving behind our footprints .....
Today... when v turn back to see them.... they r unseen...
They r washed away by the waves of time....
But.. still v keep on moving and moving to leave our foot prints... with a feeling tht.. someday someone wld follow them.... to discover..... newer skies.... and newer destinations.... And Still.... newer Foot Prints... :)
Have a nice Weekend... :)
nice pic ... "foot prints " - This word is kind a nice .
I still look for ideals and follow them , Iam fortunate to have so many such persons around me in a day to day life whom I admire and try to follow ....... Following them never limited me , but I swayed onto my own as time passed by .......
I move to catch up with those prints which I wish to catch up and its by-product is my foot prints..... I personally dont hope that some one will follow my foot steps ...
@prakash venkat....Yaa.. everyone feels the same.. but... The foot prints of those ideals...which v followed n r still following... even they might hav never thoguht..tht some day... someone wld follow them... and as u said.. wld leave their own footprints as a by-product... so lets keep moving ahead... u never knw... whoz following u.. n from wher... they hav started leaving their own footprints.. as its by-product.. :)
hey Urvi, nice post
yeah someday someone will find n follow our foot-prints :) :)
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