Is modd se jaate hai.....
kuchh sust qadam rastein..... kuchh tez qadam raahein......
patthar kii havelii ko...... shiishe ke gharaundon mein.....
tinakon ke nasheman tak..... is modd se jaate hain.
Passing through this path (turn).....
some slow pace roads.... some fast pace paths...
some going towards palace made of rocks,
some to houses made of glasses....
while some to small places made of dry grasses.....
Passing through ths.....
Aandhii kii tarah uddkar...... ik raah guzaratii hai....
sharamaatii huii koii...... qadamon se utartii hai.
Flying like a storm.... one road is passing thru...
some smilingly.... are stepping downwards....
Inn reshamii raahon mein........ ik raah to vo hogii....
tum tak jo pahunchtii haii...... is modd se jaatii hai.
From all these roads... one such road might b ther....
which might b reaching u.... which is passing thru ths path...
Iss modd se jaate hain...
Going through ths path....
Ikk duur se aatii hai....... paas aake palat tii hai....
ik raah akelii sii...... rukatii hai na chaltii hai.....
One coming from a long distance....
And after coming close.... again turns back to other side...
ye sochake baithii huun...... ik raah to vo hogii......
tum tak jo pahunchtii hai....... is modd se jaate hain
I m jst sitting with a thought tht.... from all these roads...
one such road might b ther.. which must b reaching u....
iss modd se jaate hain......
which is going through this road....
kuchh sust qadam rastein...... kuchh tez qadam raahein
patthar kii havelii ko...... shiishe ke gharondon mein.....
tinakon ke nasheman tak..... is modd se jaate hain.
some slow pace roads.... some fast pace paths...
some going towards palace made of rocks,
some to houses made of glasses....
while some to small places made of dry grasses.....
Passing through ths.....
iss mod se jaate hain.....
I hav jst tried to translate the song.... as per PV's request... :)
But... truly it has a v.beautiful meaning.....
but cldnt express it tht beautifully... :((
It was jst yesterday.... was having audit after lunch.....
so jst took all the documents... heading towards the co. ..... got into a rick.
some 35-40 mins journey .... so thought of listening some music....
was abt to put my earplugs....
n the rickshawalla said.... madam... ek minute.... hamaaraaFM suniye ....
first came....
Kaanchii re.... Kaanchii re.... ...... preet merii saachii... .....
rukk jaa naa jaa dil todd ke... v.nice song....
and thn came... ths beautiful song of Gulzar saab.....
beautiful lyrics...... in all.... a beautiful song...
so thought of putting it into my post.... Njoi... :)
Ohh Yes Gulzar Saab is the BEST....
Chennai does not have a single radio station playing Hindi songs :( :(
oh! Gulzar here too .... Can you also translate and write the meaning out there , Iam slightly challenged in understanding poetic hindi ......
All people around me seem to appreciate thses , Rafi , kishore Kumars songs and I fail to....
@prakash venkat... oh sure.. i shall edit ths post itself n try to translate it.. :)
Wow ... I asked for a translation and its here ..... Thats so nice ....
Im sure you would have done a good job in translation ..... Now the lines make sense ... The protoganist here must be some one who is in search of his/her lover ...
Did I get it right ????????
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