Monday, December 11, 2006

Critical Assignment after a wonderful weekend...

Weekend was quite good.. half of the sat went in helping mom in her daily household chores nd the other half... went to supermarket with mom to buy some grocery. Then came beautiful sunday.... went to Express Inn for the dinner with some of my frnds. It was a fun... wanna write detailed story... but :(( loaded with lot of wrk.... :(

Y do ths monday comes... :( Got a new assignment of preparing consolidated accounts of one of the company. U knw wht... After our manager was done with the detailed explanation... everyone was like ..... totally dead.... eyes wide open... hehehe....

Ok.. lemme write it down.. so tht it wld b a revision 4 me ... n also so tht i can confuse u all too .... :)) Its like ther r three companies A, B & C all promoted by common promotors. Now A is listed co. wher some % of equity is hold by promoters n some by public. And co. B is unlisted wher promoters hold entire equity. Co. C is newly promoted by A, B & other individual promoters with A,B n others holding some % of shares.

Now, v r provided with diferent proposals for the coming years... wherein they hav given the proposed shareholding pattern n swap ratio... Now, v hav to prepare Projected Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for all these three companies individually.... n Consolidated P/L nd B/S of A& B, and then A,B & C for the coming years. He kept on asking whether ther r any queries or somthng... but v ourself were so confused... wht question v cld ask... its so difficult to jst calculate mentally... wht % of holding is in current yr... n wht is proposed for the next yr.. how much to knock off... how to show Investments.. adjusting their reserves n goodwill.... Whew!!
I knw v can do it.... but its going to b a real test ... nd on the other side... its going to b fun with lot of learning :)


Prakash Venkat said...

Oops !!!! I didnt understand the last paragraph at all ... Why dont you right one more post explaining this post :)

Anonymous said...

very confusing....

Urvi said...

@PV... oh!! so u wan me to expalin it further.. shall do tht.. :)

But.. it cld b more confusing.. :))

Urvi said...

@Mehak... actually... :((